Children's Cancer and Leukaemia Group
A clear and clean design accompanied by a range of multimedia.
Their project
The CCLG is, for families going through an extremely difficult time, a harbour in which they receive information, support and empathy. The CCLG’s main aim is to ease the stress and anguish of the process, and they have lots of different and fun methods of helping out their members.
The CCLG’s website has the task of communicating a variety of information to families whose loved ones are very ill. The site needed to contain a vast amount of information, and they needed a CRM that was feature rich, and sophisticated enough to store an extensive amount of membership information.
Our Approach
A clear and clean design, a range of multimedia and plenty of downloadable content ensures the site is as simple to navigate and engaging as possible. ‘Calls to action’ such as the highly important ‘Donate Now’ buttons are obvious and a ‘cart’ function will aid the CCLG in raising money.
The Outcome
We spent a long time in workshops with the CCLG, identifying what they were looking for in a site and how they wanted to present their extensive library of information. This is the first time Senior and the CCLG have collaborated on a web project and we’re excited to maintain our partnership.
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