Shoreham Port

The site is easily updated with news and vital information

Shoreham Port Banner


Their project

A thriving commercial port on the South Coast of England, Shoreham Port’s vision is to become the preferred port for short sea traffic and marine projects as well as landlord for specialist sites. They sit at the heart of the community and aim to drive the economy.

Shoreham Port sought to increase communication and sense of community using news stories and aimed to engage with and encourage local press into using the website as a point of authority. The initial plan was to overhaul their entire marketing process, and the 12 year-long collaboration has since blossomed.




Our approach

They were looking to position themselves as a leading player in their industry. We improved user experience with a responsive site, new templates to incorporate staff photographs and neatened content and design. The site enjoys page one Google rankings and an easily accessible organisation-wide intranet.


The outcome

A great way to engage with stakeholders, the site is easily updated with news and vital information about the port. The fresh new look and feel reflect Shoreham Port’s ethos in embracing new technologies and confirm their commitment to quality and excellence in all areas.







Infographics are not only a perfect way to get lots of information to a wide audience in a digestible and tidy manner; they’re also highly engaging. Shoreham’s infographics offer a quick burst of information to professionals who don’t have time to stop and trawl through pages on content.




Offline materials

Shoreham’s annual reports are one of the most important materials for their customers. When we took on Shoreham’s project it was to completely take the lead on all branding for the port; which included stationary, website, marketing materials and of course, their annual reports.
