
Want to keep up-to-date with the latest membership news, as well as learn more about what’s new throughout the digital world? Learn more about Senior Internet and the membership digital industry here.

Want to keep up-to-date with the latest membership news, as well as learn more about what’s new throughout the digital world? Learn more about Senior Internet and the membership digital industry here.

What is in a Membership Organisation?

Membership organizations come in many forms, from mandatory entities like local councils to voluntary associations like professional bodies, trade unions, and social clubs. Even service-based businesses, such as coworking spaces or landscaping c...

Unlock the Power of Your Membership Organisation with Senior Internet

As a membership organisation, association, professional body, or trade body, you understand the importance of engaging and retaining your members. At Senior Internet, we have been serving the needs of these communities for over 15 years, providi...

The Ultimate Guide to Membership Retention: Strategies for Long-Term Success

Membership retention is a critical aspect of any organization's long-term success. In this ultimate guide, we will explore various strategies and techniques that can help you improve retention rates. By understanding the importance of membership...

Embracing the Future: Our Transition to Umbraco

In our ever-evolving digital landscape, staying ahead of the curve is not just a goal; it's a necessity. At Seior Internet, we are committed to providing our clients with the best web solutions, and to achieve that, we have made a strategic deci...

Subsites and Microsites – How and When to Use Them

You’re probably already familiar with today’s keywords; subsites and microsites; and have often wondered whether your membership organisation’s web presence will benefit from a microsite or two.  Here’s your ans...

Improving Membership Engagement

There’s no membership organisation without its members. While attracting members is extremely important, retaining these members is even more crucial to the continuous growth of the organisation.   Building a loyal member ba...

How to Improve Your Membership Website in 10 Easy Steps

Websites have become increasingly important in recent years. Most especially in 2020 when in-person contact was limited. Whether your membership site is built around a learning environment, community, professional association, or some combinatio...

Direct Debit versus Future Payment

Direct Debit versus Future Payment  Running a membership organisation comes with a lot of responsibilities, not least of which is collecting fees from its members. Whether you manage a database of dozens or thousands, processing these...

General CRM vs Purpose-Built MMS: Which is Better? 

When a non-profit organisation invests in new technology, it usually has two main objectives: attracting new members and improving engagement and retention of current members.  There is some disagreement regarding which platform is ide...

What is Professional Development?

Achieving success in one’s career is no longer dependent on having a degree or being good at one’s job. It requires continuous training, learning and education geared towards professional growth and development.  The profes...

Should I Run Ads on my Website?

Your membership organisation’s website is where your members acquire information, interact with each other, and learn about member benefits. As the collective voice of your industry or profession, your members regard you as a reliable...

3 Ways to Monetise Website Content

Is it possible to earn from your membership website? Definitely!  Building a membership site is simple, sustaining it however, requires a significant amount of effort, patience and unpaid time before monetisation begins to bear fruit....

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