
Want to keep up-to-date with the latest membership news, as well as learn more about what’s new throughout the digital world? Learn more about Senior Internet and the membership digital industry here.

Want to keep up-to-date with the latest membership news, as well as learn more about what’s new throughout the digital world? Learn more about Senior Internet and the membership digital industry here.

Web developers: 10 reasons to join Senior

Are you a web developer looking to progress your career with a multi-award winning digital agency? Whether you're a creative looking to develop fluid and sophisticated websites, or a go-getter looking to expand your skillset and further your car...

Old school: marketing revisits email

Over the past few years businesses and organisations have begun to use a plethora of media to connect with their audience. From podcasts to Vines, it seems like the written word is falling out of fashion fast, but research shows that email marke...

Top Tips on Video Marketing You Can Use Today!

2015 is driving the way we market our businesses and products into the future fast. Over the last 5 years concepts have changed rapidly, seeing the disintegration of paper based marketing techniques, and the rise of a more social and interactive...

Is the Expedition Finally Over for Internet Explorer?

In this digital age the shelf-life of certain technologies is remarkably short. New and better systems and devices are constantly replacing outdated versions, from hardware like phones and laptops, to methods of programming and designing new web...

5 top tips for member engagement

Here at Senior we’ve delivered a multitude of projects for more than 40 membership organisations over the last few years. From microsites to awards and events; from video platforms to e-commerce; from vacancy and training to media and news...

Google Pigeon Launches in the UK

In July 2014 Google released a new version of its algorithm, dubbed Pigeon, in the United States. The new algorithm aims to provide search results which are more accurate, relevant and local. Google Pigeon was also rolled out to the UK in Decemb...

Senior makes the List!

Here at Senior we have just received a last minute Christmas present! It’s the exciting news that the Association of Excellence Awards have just shortlisted us into the ‘Best Association Website’ category! We’re delighted...

Google Favours Responsive Design

Here’s something you may not know, and if you don’t then you really should: Google and other search engines are now starting to favour sites which have been built using mobile responsive design over those who haven’t. This mea...

Senior Shielded from Shellshock and Poodle Bugs

At Senior Internet it’s important for us to be on constant watch for anything in the digital world which could affect our clients. One subject that’s a constant concern is that of internet security; without it, we wouldn’t be h...

Panda 4.1 Google Update Launched

Another new development in the world of algorithms! Google has just announced the release of Panda 4.1; its latest algorithm update which is aimed at better identifying low quality content and has already resulted in higher-quality small to medi...

Live Chat- everybody's talking about it!

Senior has just launched its newest module! The brand new feature has just been developed in partnership with Abbottsholme School, with whom we have worked for over ten years. The feature is a way to truly connect with an audience, offering them...

Life as an Intern at Senior

If you’re looking for an internship with an innovative firm, then Senior is the place to go. I have been studying Marketing at University for a year and decided that I wanted some experience within a small digital company, partly because...

In case you missed it...